
The main rule is: Have fun, and play nice ❤️

You agree:

The challenge

The CTF is embedded in our MAS Reference App. The app is used to teach security testers and developers about mobile security but also as a practice target for security tool.

That part of the app is not the target of this CTF but could be very useful for you to learn how to solve the challenges.

The CTF starts in the "CTF Game" side menu as seen on the picture on the right.

Important tips

Help is on the way

During the conference, we will help you with challenges by providing tips.

So if you are stuck, enjoy the conference and come back later.

We have heard that there are some mobile security related talks.

Download the app

Use the following link to download the APK: CTF App

The app is based on the MAS Reference App. If you want to find out more, you are welcome to download the source code.

Good luck! 🍀